Friday, February 4, 2011

Puppies Leave Paw Prints Furever On Your Heart

Well a month has gone by without a dog blog...sadly that is how long I have been without a real functional computer...:( But as of now I got the hookup thanks to my honey coming home last night with a new home computer and an 18 inch monitor. Now I really can see my words I type and once my Photoshop is uploaded I'll be able to see my pics in large size! :0)

Well a month has gone by and Apollo & Athena have grown astronomically to say the least! They are sooo much fun and bring loads of joy to this house. They have been on many walks to the farm exploring new territory, gone to the puppy park in Victoria to sorta meet new pups, still a little hesitant on some breeds, had several outings to Petco, one being a puppy playdate they didn't play real well at, and definitely putting in some ice time with their pawskates ;). Apollo has grown into such a fluffy, cute teddy bear want to squeeze and smooch little guy, Athena is watching her waist line and staying on the slimmer side with some big ears though. Apollo's ears forgot what to do and one still seams to stay down while the other mostly remains in tack standing straight up...but he still looks soooo cute! He still holds true to the nickname I've given him "Chunky Monkey" and Athena is my "Skinny Minnie" who looks just like Zena with shorter hair! What a treat...Still miss that Zena so much though, but it's nice having a daily reminder of her presence, just looking forward to the days Apollo & Athena have her "relax all day, leave me alone, just walk me, leave feed out for me, and show me lots of love days!" It's coming in about 8 years that's about when Zena seemed to mellow out hahaha. Not complaining!

Paws Out!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Paw and Order SCU (Special Canine Unit)

Specialist Canine Apollo & Specialist Canine Athena are putting their Paws down for this year to be the best selling year for Breanna & Emily's Girl Scout Cookies. The Canine Pair wish to have the Girl Scouts of America Consider "Dog Cookies" in the near future to enhance their selling strategies! The pair are Woofing all about the latest of this years new approach to selling of Girl Scout cookies...COTS "Cookies on the Spot" No need to wait...This Specialist Canine duo know all about recieving COTS. So Beware, Girl Scout Cookies are coming to a Cupboard near YOU!

Paws Out
Apollo; SCU, DIT (dog in training)
Athena; SCU, DIT

Just BePaws I Love You

This essay is a paw-rific project the girls will be entering about the puppy loves of their life just BePaws they love them. Every minute Apollo & Athena are up to something worth stretching into a cute story. My mind wants to write it all down and this year I am not gonna let writing slip away. It is the one thing that brings me so much joy it is undescribable. So Paw with Me. The girls write all the time as well, wonder where that came from, and I can't wait to read what creative poem they come up with...I have a feeling Emily will add flavor with her very talented illustrations. Especially her cute puppy she can draw. I take lessons from her and kids at school are always asking of her to draw them something or make these awesome circle friends she makes out of paper. You would never know I appreciate my daughters art work walking into my home, it just happens to be framed everywhere on my walls and I have more stored away to eventually put up. I much would love to start adding to their awards for creativity. Who knows this poetry contest could lead to one. Keeping my puppies paws crossed.
Apollo & Athena have been growing so fast and I love watching their little personalities develop. Athena likes to consider herself "the boss" whether it is chew toys or treats her nose is on top of it first or at least she tries. Apollo, however, is king of the food bowl his nose seems to never leave hence why he is a tail bigger.
New Ear's Day came with the celebration of Pigs did they love the first wiff of those...Good thing we bought a big bag. I have never seen puppies sit & give a high five so fast. We are working on the down, stay, heal, sit up, and saying please...presently that's a little ahead of them yet. But they'll get it.
Soon the girls will be up and today it's back to school, sadly, I wish there was a fast forward button to push and that it was summer break already :(
But Apollo & Athena will be well on their way to walking them to the bus stop this morning...They love being outside playing and are getting really good on the leash.
I am just still fascinated by their quick adjustment to the kennel for over 2 weeks now they have not a peep come out of them and during the day they sometimes opt to just go take a nap in their or lay down with their chew toy.
I have to commend the "Clicker" training method, they respond so well to their behaviors with it...I can see why it is used in training whales, TV animals etc. I guess consistency pays off.
Well Back to Monday Motivations!

Paws Out!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Ear!

Happy New Ear Apollo~
Apollo is the first of the two to be stuck with one ear up and one down. It is the cutest thing watching him run/walk around with excitement with his one Happy New Ear. It happened 2 days ago when I noticed the one ear starting to perk up and stay in place because they just have been flopping down thus far. Poor Athena is my late bloomer in this New Ears Day but I have a feeling she won't be tailing to much far behind. So I continue to take pics for one day soon I will have two Happy New Ears to snap away at. I think this calls for a Pig Ears Treat!

Paws Out!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Puppy Breathe

It never fails, no matter who meets these puppies or any for that matter, most people always comment on "Puppy Breathe." The most common is "Oh they even have Puppy Breathe." Cute yes but seriously if you think about it is gross & no one walks around newborns, say babies, and say "oh they even have Baby Breathe." LoL I may be wrong but babies are usually referred to as "Oh such a little peanut." or along the lines of that! :0) Not complaining just don't think it will be my million dollar idea if I submit "Puppy Breathe" as the next Perfume to be a hit! ) But never say never!
10 Days into owning these two wonders has still yet to go old! Not that I can even entertain the thought that it would. These two sure are going through a obvious growth spurt :( but at least I know they are showing good signs of health! That's all that matters! They are a loads of entertainment to say the least! Yesterday they ventured on their first walk to the bus stop and they did excpetionally well on the leash and considering the awful snow covered sidewalks they had to trek through. I was impressed needless to say! Now that I know they can handle it come first day back to school "Next Year" they will be starting off the year on the right Paw! hahaha! Where my mind comes up with this is beyond me but I love it! :0) I need to take a creative writing class to expand my horizons! :0)
On to chewing...these two are amazing NOTHING has been given away to Puppy Damage...I know it's early in the game but worth bragging! The worst of it has been a few belongings in the kennel i.e. socks & this morning was my ear warmers, that kinda sticks out like it doesn't and Apollo has a need to drink Christmas Tree Water, lol why I don't know the dish is full but I'm assuming Puppy & Pine may go together! Oh wait I got it "Puppy Pine Breath" thats the million $ idea. Petco, Purina Beware! I'm Unleashing Apollo & Athena! :0) Any Takers on wanting to come over and smell Apollo's Puppy Breathe now! :0)
I have to commend these two for already being Kennel trained...Amazes me how fast, I just leave the door open during the day and Apollo & Athena go right in and plop down chew "their" chew toys and consider it their Puppy Palace! I have even adorned it with a hanging flower on the inside! :0) I just have BIG ideas about Modge Podging the kennel and when we get a second one it's Gonna be His & Hers. The Vision has started and I foresee excellent results in the future! Possibly in the year 20$$. So much better put that way than 2011. At least I think! But I'm always thinking! As long as I don't answer myself I'm good! :0)
So Christmas Eve 2010 only 1 day away :( it's come & gone just about way TOOOO fast. As much as I'm looking forward to tomorrow night I know to that will be a beautiful memory way to soon! The girls & the pups are gonna be so surprised for a Santa Surprise from The North Pole when they get the Key to the room at Water Park of America. It's gonna be a Priceless Gift...much beats wrapping junk, clothes, techie stuff, etc. they won't remember they got the next day! :0) This will be lodged in their memory for a long long time! This to me is the Gift of Giving!
Oh one more I remembered just looking at Athena's collar...Apollo has put some damage to that, seems to be the great attacking/latching & pulling part on Athena. All I can say is at least collars are cheap and until they are just about full grown they won't have the most stylish of collars. I already have some nice ones I've been eyeing! :0) Well with these pups sleeping under the desk I better get some House Chores done. And a reminder the next time you are around a puppy watch yourself you just might be guilty of saying "oh they even have Puppy Breathe."
Paws Out! :0)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Puppy Love

Puppy Love is in The Air. One week today we have had Apollo & Athena and I have watched this home transform into more acts of love then I could have imagined. These two pups have grown, started noticing it yesterday :(, and so has their playfulness. Athena has had a few time outs over the weekend because she feels independence is her gain and showing Apollo she is the boss is the answer. Wrong Athena, drive by tacklings, knocking down Apollo and pinning him so you can chew his legs, ears, tail, etc. is not very nice. I have a feeling Apollo is gonna be bigger than you someday...Just a FYI, can't say I never warned ya! :0)
Apollo & Athena had company stopping by all weekend to see them, hopefully it was us too ;), and wouldn't you figure, they sleep! None of the action I have been praising of them could they demonstrate. Tried to rouse them and they wanted nothing to do with it...Under the coffee table they go into Zzzzzzzzzz Land. Maybe they are just trying to get the most out of lying under the table because they know it won't be happening to much longer :0). I heart these two soooo much!
Friday these two were very fortunate to enter into The Business World they felt it was time to start Networking for The Paw Street So off to Derek's office they went! Of Course they were a puppy hit and Derek's office was busier than he wanted it to be! :0) I call on my way to work to find out how they were and they were, give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count, Sleeping! I pick them up about 4 hours later and of course the typical, oh they are so cute, blah, blah, blah, and I can't believe how calm they have been! I guess I should be counting my blessings because I foresee days not like this! :0) But I'll be more than ready for the fun!
Presently, I feel like I am in a tiger! These two at times really go at it, like right now, and the intensity of their growling grows, there pitter patter paws running away from each other gets faster and then the all to famous Thump, one gets tackled! hahahaha I have a feeling a time out is near!
But in the end all it really is is Puppy Love! :0)